Rise of Coffee Pod Machines

rise of coffee pod machinesit seems so long ago that making a cup of coffee at home involved a mug, a spoon and a jar of instant. Since the big-name coffee shops have filled our high streets and given us hundreds of delicious (yet complicated) options, a mug of the freeze-dried stuff doesn’t seem so appealing any more.

But although it’s tempting to pop out to a coffee shop every time you want a decent brew, remember how much it can cost. Incredibly, a daily habit at coffee shop prices can add up to £400 per person each year, and if you like to drink more than one cup a day you may be broke before you know it. You can make an extremely good cup of coffee at home, of course, but the options seem so complicated. Here are some of our favourite at-home coffee-brewing methods… and why, these days, we prefer a simple pod machine.

How about a simple cafetiere? If you’re looking for a straightforward black coffee this could be the answer. Just measure out a scoop of coffee, add hot (but not boiling) water, stir, wait and then press the plunger. The downside is that they are quite messy, leaving coffee grounds that need to be washed out of each part of the plunger, which can be a bit fiddly and liable to block the sink. You also can’t get a good espresso from them, and so lattes and cappuccinos as well as a shot of wake up espresso are out.

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So if it’s an espresso you crave, you could consider a stovetop percolator instead. There are design classics available such as the Bialetti Moka Express, which purists swear by, because it works by forcing hot water through the coffee grounds to extract all the oils and flavour you need for a good aromatic experience. However, see above for the downside: they are also very inconvenient to clean and can make a mess too. As well as this, you’ll need to heat your milk separately if you want a milky drink, and froth it using a whisk or frothing device, meaning even more hassle and washing up. rise of coffee pod machines 3

Would a coffee machine be the answer? The downside of a coffee machine is that it will take up more counter space than other options but modern versions are both good looking and produce a coffee that’s so professional you’ll find it almost indistinguishable from the coffee shop version. These machines can produce not just black coffee or espressos, but if you get a coffee pod version it can even make milky drinks, like latte and hot chocolate.

What’s more, a coffee pod machine can do this very quickly, and with almost no mess at all, since you just pop the pod of your choice in, and whip the whole thing out and throw it away when you’re finished. It’s a bit like a teabag, but with more choice – since you can make almost any hot drink a coffee shop offers, but at in your own home and at a fraction of the price, we rate these handy gadgets the pick of the coffee making bunch.


Reda More:  Coffee Pod Filling Sealing Machine




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