Nescafé® Dolce Gusto® Capsules Now Given a Second Life
The NESCAFÉ® Dolce Gusto®
Team has joined with global recycling and upcycling pioneers
TerraCycle® on a programme to recycle used coffee
TerraCycle is the world leader in developing
solutions for recycling “un-recyclable” items and has
kept more than 2.6 billion pieces of waste from landfills
around the world.
NESCAFÉ® Dolce Gusto® plastic
‘smart capsules’ will now be given a second life through
TerraCycle’s innovative recycling programme called
“Brigades® ”. New Zealanders can now send their used
NESCAFÉ® Dolce Gusto® coffee, tea and milk capsules to
TerraCycle to be recycled into new products and
“The commitment of the NESCAFÉ® Dolce
Gusto® team to providing quality coffee goes hand in hand
with our commitment to sustainability. We are pleased to
partner with TerraCycle to provide consumers with a free
recycling scheme for our single-serve capsules. NESCAFÉ®
Dolce Gusto® is the first NESCAFÉ® brand to partner with
innovative company TerraCycle in New Zealand” said Nestlé
Australia, Head of NESCAFÉ® Dolce Gusto® Australia and
New Zealand, Tracy Hardwick.
“The NESCAFÉ® Dolce
Gusto® Capsule Brigade will salvage single-use capsules
otherwise destined for landfill. Brigade participants can
send their capsules to TerraCycle to be recycled via New
Zealand Post by simply downloading a free shipping label
from the TerraCycle website. Participants also have the
opportunity to generate two cents per capsule collected to
donate to a charity of their choice,” said TerraCycle New
Zealand, General Manager, Anna Minns.
Gusto® capsules don’t have to be discarded after one use
at your morning coffee break but can be recycled at no cost
to the consumer. TerraCycle’s Brigade programs like the
NESCAFÉ® Dolce Gusto® Capsule Brigade also aim to engage
the community around sustainability and to re-think where
our consumer waste and packaging ends up.”
will collect used NESCAFÉ® Dolce Gusto® capsules sent in
from the NESCAFÉ® Dolce Gusto® Capsules Brigade then
recycle them into two streams. As part of the recycling
process, organic material such as residual coffee grounds
will be separated and sent to an industrial composting
facility. The plastic capsules will be melted down and made
into new products.
TerraCycle New Zealand is also tackling
other difficult to recycle waste streams including a new
programme to recycle oral care waste such as used
toothbrushes, toothpaste tubes and floss containers.