Expert Backs Investment in Coffee Processing

Luanda — The agronomist Josefa Correia Sacko Tuesday called for
investment in industrial projects to ensure local processing of produced
coffee and boost the country economy.

Josefa Sacko was speaking to Angop on the “current state of coffee production in the country”.

According to her, the country should not be too limited to the export of raw materials.

In her view, Angola should focus on the processing of basic products
to enhance the supply chain, considered the source of profits.

The official added that the processing of the raw material into
finished product, in the case of coffee, will create thousands of jobs
for young people and also benefit the SADC region market.

Stressing the agriculture role in diversification of the economy, Sako said that Angola cannot continue to depend on oil only.

Should the country process the product it can sell the product in the
regional market, in addition to the traditional market like the
European Union, United States, and Japan”, she stressed.

Josefa Correia Sacko put the production at about 147million bags, while the consumption stands at 145 million bags.

On the other hand, the Agronomic believes that with the support of
the government the agriculture sector foresees a production of 25,000
tonnes by 2020.



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